Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Few hiccups

Alright so here I am finally being able to make a post on my blogger. I had a few hiccups on my last blogger and I couldn't do any posts, But now I have a new and improved one. All apart of the learning process. I had never had a blog before so this is exciting to have one, I don't know why. On the first week we had a read through what we are supposed to do in this learning 2.0 program and we had to identify what is our strongest strength in the 7 1/2 habits and our weakest.
Well my strongest strenth is teaching/mentoring. I always end up teaching people about something or showing how something is done, I do it unconsciously most of the time. I even have people coming up to me asking how something is done or where something is when most of the time I don't even know. I always remember on my first day at uni and I was totally lost and I had about 4 people come up to me saying 'Hi I'm new here and I was wondering how do you get to here' I didn't know but I led them to placed where they can find out.
My weakest habit is a mixture between viewing problems as challenges and having the confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner. I don't have that much confidence in myself in what I'm capable of doing and so I usually stress aboiut everything. Anyway that is all for me today. Tomorrow I will attempt to do flicker so wish me luck.